Presenting to you: my fav OS project!

Presenting to you: my fav OS project!

OSS Cheerleader badge here I come!

Hello everyone! In this post, I wished to cheer a bit one of the tools I used the most, up to know, in my projects: Bootstrap.

What is Bootstrap?

In a few words, Bootstrap is a styling library that uses CSS and JavaScript plugins. It can allow web designers and developers to quickly define basic styling, a responsive grid system, and a quick start in styling your website!

They even recently extended their reach with Bootstrap 5, now they offer their own selection of icons in SVG format (huray for React) and custom themes.

I think it's a pretty nice tool. The classes used to add the CSS effects on website's elements are understandable and easy to master, also it has a good documentation. I often use it as a base to further customization, but perhaps there are even better practices alongside the new features of Bootstrap 5.


I will leave here further information about Bootstrap, as well than useful links to it's repository and more.

GitHub Repo: And don't forget to consult the contribution rules here! ->

Bootstrap documentation (5.1 version):

A quick blog called "The 10 Most Common Bootstrap Mistakes That Developers Make":

This article contains many examples and good practices to adopt regarding Bootstrap, and I believe it's always a good thing to review, disregarding the experience level.


Bootstrap is perhaps a MUST in web development, and has many variants adapted to different technologies as React-Bootstrap, BootstrapVue and other alternatives. I believe it is one of the most popular OS projects out there.

Thank you for reaching the end! And feel free to leave your feedback:).